Building the Future of Energy

Evergrid builds sustainable energy centers that connect hyperscale data centers on-site at wind & solar farms.

Energy Reimagined

Evergrid’s mission is simple: Energize the world by harnessing the power of nature.

Our team partners with local wind and solar farms to supply and host large end-users of electricity. This simple approach to sustainability benefits everyone by creating reliable facilities, resilient communities, and pure renewable power supply for the consumer.

Powered by Nature

Our “farm-to-meter” solution provides consumers with renewable energy supply “as-consumed” and producers with an energy offtake “as-produced”; effectively eliminating price and variability risk from the electricity supply chain.

Evergrids make sustainability simple:

  • No Carbon

  • No Congestion

  • No Energy Losses

  • No Batteries (Reducing New Build Capex by 40%+)

Pioneering the Energy Renaissance

At Evergrid, we start with the consumer and work outwards. Every service and solution we offer is specifically designed to make sustainability simple.

Together with our partners, we are building a distributed energy eco-system that combines industrial load with renewable energy supply.